September 14, 2023 will be the third World Smell and Taste Day. At that time, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University will conduct a free olfactory evaluation and make an appointment for a free test. Please contact "Chen Bo Smell and Taste Science", leave a message through the background, or Add WeChat 644956474.
陈敬国,医学博士,西安交通大学第二附属医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科病院科研秘书,美国科罗拉多大学洛基山嗅觉味觉研究中心(Rocky Mountain Taste and Smell Center)访问学者。全球化学感官研究联盟(Global Consortium for Chemosensory Research)领导小组成员,美国化学感受与科学协会(Association for Chemoreception Sciences)会员,世界味觉嗅觉日(World Taste and Smell Day)发起人&委员会委员。陕西省计算机学会生物医学智能计算专委会委员,陕西省保健学会耳鼻喉专委会委员,陕西省中西医结合学会科技工作者专业委员会委员&耳鼻喉专委会委员。腾讯医典认证科普专家,特约审稿专家。SCI杂志《Scientific Reports》和《Chemical Senses》审稿人。 主要研究方向为嗅觉味觉障碍的基础和临床。参与3项国家自然科学基金项目,1项美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)资助项目。主持陕西省自然科学基金1项,中央高校基本科研业务费项目1项。共发表科技论文21篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者10篇。创立嗅觉味觉科普公众号,曾在中央电视台国际频道(CGTN),陕西电视台,陕西移动电视等多家媒体就新冠与嗅觉关系进行科普。所撰写的嗅觉系列科普文被人民融媒体、西安发布、腾讯网、新浪网等多家媒体转载。
Please contact "Chen Bo Smell and Taste Science", leave a message through the background, or Add WeChat 644956474.
As one of the first Third-level grade-A hospitals in China, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University, a large-scale modern general hospital integrating medical treatment, medical education, scientific research and preventive health care, is directly under the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Education. The hospital can trace back to affiliated hospital of the first state-run medical school – Beijing Medical Institute, also known as Medical School of Peking University – founded by the Ministry of Education in 1912.In 1937, it was relocated and rebuilt in Shaanxi Province for the national interest during anti-Japanese war, over the past 84 years, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University has made remarkable contributions to the establishment and development of medical tertiary education and modern medical science in north-west China. The hospital has staff of 3,264, including 38.4% of physician with PhD, over 450 experts with deputy senior or above professional titles, and over 50 experts granted Special Allowance from the State Council and Shaanxi Provincial government, besides, more than 200 experts of the post as chairman or vice chairman or standing committee member of national and provincial medical professional societies, as well as over 100 experts acting as chief editor, associate editor, or editors of medical science journals. 2 of them are candidates for New Century Talents Project, 10 are granted Youth Talent by Xi’an Jiaotong University, one of them is titled Leading Scholar by Xi 'an Jiaotong University, 2 are engaging in the 9th Hundred Talents Program, 9 engaging in New Century Excellent Talents Supporting Program launched by the Ministry of Education, 11 of them are voted Youth Science and Technology Star in Shaanxi Province, 4 of them are selected as national-level talent for Nominees Supporting Scheme. The hospital has 2,268 ratified beds with 110,000 discharged patients and 2.2 million outpatients and emergency treatments annually. It consists of 6 inpatient wards, 53 clinical and medical science departments and research/experimental arms, editorial office and other departments. With new era is coming, the hospital has new mission and new responsibilities in the new journey. It values the concepts in Westward Move: overall situation in mind, selfless dedication, carrying forward the tradition and entrepreneurship, and constantly following the hospital motto of “benevolent mind and heart, advocating medical ethics, matter-of -fact and dedication attitude, exploration and innovation”. The hospital will be guardian as always to protect people's health and to help building a healthy China.
Tel: 029-87679000 029-87678421 (Office of Hospital)
029-87679325 (Office of Outpatient Department)
Website: http://2yuan.xjtu.edu.cn/
E-mail: dieryiyuan@163.com Postcode: 710004