Uniting Taste & Smell: Celebrate. Innovate. Support.

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Frauke Galia

Frauke Galia is a smell coach, aromatherapist, podcaster and founder of The Smell Gym, the place to exercise your sense of smell. After spending over 20 years in and around the fragrance industry, her current aim is to get people to use their sense of smell more purposefully and to harness it for health and wellbeing.

Since 2020, Frauke has been a professional ambassador for the non-profit U.K. organization Fifth Sense, a charity focused on supporting those with smell and taste disorders. She is also the host of the podcast An Aromatic Life which aims to shed light on our beautiful sense of smell, and increase its profile in a culture dominated by sight and sound. Furthermore, Frauke is the creator of the Scent*Tattoo project, which aims to connect humans through scent and scent memories. When she isn’t coaching or teaching, you can find Frauke smelling everything.